What is Sugaring? 

Body Sugaring  

​Professional Body Sugaring is a safe, gentle and effective solution to hair extraction for women, men and children. 

Advanced Body Sugaring Epilation offers numerous unique and diverse benefits. 

The most important advantage is very fundamental: the technique and sugar paste formulation extracts the hair in its natural direction of growth while the hair is still in the early growth stage (Anagen stage). This eliminates hair breakage, unnecessary discomfort, irritation and ingrown hairs while exfoliating dry skin cells. 

Why Choose Sugaring? 

Do you suffer from ingrown hairs? Hate having congested follicles and “dots” on your legs? Suffer from sensitive skin? Or do you just HATE hair?! Sugaring is for you!

Sugaring is suited to those who want to see a reduction in hair growth and completely transform the texture and clarity of skin.

Sugaring aims to remove hair when it is in the first stage of the hair cycle. During the anagen stage, the hair is still connected to the follicle. When we extract hair at this stage is causes a small trauma to the follicle, this reduces the blood supply to that follicle which leads to reduction in growth. Hair will begin to grow back finer and more sparse.

The sugaring technique that we use removes hair in the direction it grows; reducing the amount of hair breakage compared to other epilation methods.


What areas can be sugared? 

Any unwanted hair on you body can be removed with sugar. However I don’t offer eyebrow sugaring as it does not offer the same precision needed for shaping. 

How long does my hair need to be? 

If you have been shaving I recommend you allow hair to grow for a minimum of two weeks for your first treatment. 

If you have been waxing, wait until you hair growth is at the stage you would usually attend waxing appointment.  

What do I need to do before my appointment? 

Exfoliate!! You must exfoliate the area the day before your treatment, this will improve results and ensure a more comfortable treatment. 

What are the different bikini options? 

Standard Bikini Sugar – This is simply a ‘tidy up’, that removes any hair that could be seen whilst wearing a bikini – so from the upper thighs and just outside the panty line, and also from the top that might peek over the waist-band. 

Extended Bikini Sugar – This removes all of the hair that would be taken off with the standard bikini, but takes it deeper around the legs, and may shape it into more of a triangle or strip by taking more off of the top. Hair from the back is not removed.

Brazilian Bikini Sugar – This involves the removal of most hair from the bikini area, a triangle or strip will be left at the top. Hair will be completely removed from the back, and in-between.

Hollywood Bikini Sugar – Everything Gone! It completely removes hairs from both the front and back.

When can I tan? 

Sunless tan can be applied 8 hours after treatment providing skin is showing no signs or irritation. For Sunbed or Sun Exposure you should wait 24 hours. 

What should I do in between treatments? 

Exfoliate!! Exfoliating the skin is imperative when you switch to sugaring treatments. As the hair grows back finer it may struggle to break through the suface of the skin if there is a cell build up. Exfoliate area gently 3 times a week using exfoliating gloves when showering/bathing/ 

Does it hurt? 

Sugaring does not hurt but it is not pain free. When hair is extracted you will feel it, however there is no soreness after the treatment. If the skin is exfoliated before treatment it will dramatically reduce discomfort.  

What if secondary growth happens or hairs are missed? 

At Vitality Skin Clinic clients can avail of a top up service within one week of initial treatment. If needed, this greatly improves results and ensures you are hair free for longer. This top-up incurs a small fee with our senior staff or can be provided complimentary by junior staff.

Will it last as long as waxing? 

Yes. Sugaring causes less breakage than waxing so you will be smoother for longer than waxing. 

© Vitality Skin Clinic